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Karmic lines (chains) are repeating events in a person from life to life.
Most often, they are associated with stress experienced in the past.
Some examples of karmic chains:
- death in war;
- violence;
- loss of loved ones;
- breaks in relationships;
- loss of money, etc.
The presence of karmic chains can be checked in the Karmic map . Karmic chains can be cleaned. Learn more about Karmic lines .
Question: Karmic chains - what is it?
Karmic lines are formed due to the fact that in tragic events there is a lot of emotional energy of a person and people around him. As a result, something like “astral script” is created, which begins to be repeated periodically, copying events, the time of the origin of the event, sometimes time is copied.
For example:
Dismantled the case when a person is accused at work of theft. A terrible scandal. Then he somehow decides, there are real thieves and after a few years the same situation. The whole situation moves according to the same scenario, according to the same algorithm.
Another case:
On May 1, a young lady cat in a ventilation porridge cat (not her cat), the cat yells, a huge stress. On the following May holidays, a cat comes under the door to give birth to children. Again stress. All the neighbors on the ears. On the next first of May, a cat begins to break in the door. Here, as we see, the event scenario itself floats a little, but the time itself is fixed.
And such phenomena continue on a global scale, for example, Friday the 13th - then something unpleasant can happen. Or maybe something happens in some place, for example, Halloween, when the souls of the dead approach the world of the living. There are many such cases. This is a common occurrence.
They can be called karmic lines or karmic scriptures.
They can be not only for a person, but also for a country, some place where there is its egregor. Sometimes such things are created by curses, sometimes simply by emotions.
Diagnostics of the main karmic chains available to you and your Genus is
carried out in the Karmic card .
Karmic chains are formed as ordinary stresses or psychological complexes. And they can be removed .
Cost: Cleaning karmic chains - $ 25

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