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- Video-Book 1 - Atlantis Heritage
Video-Book 1 - Atlantis Heritage
Free Video Lessons. The Heritage of Atlantida.
#1. The Principles of Development.
#2. Ancient Civilizations on the planet Earth
#3. The End of Atlantic Civilization
#4. The end of Atlantic Civilization. 2
#5. The Lemurian Civilization
#6. Features of Lemurian Civilization
#7. The Lemurian Civilization. Questions and Answers
#7. Educational System of Developed Civilizations
8. Mental Programs of Developed Civilizations
9. Atlantic Mobilizational Mental Programs
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- Step 5. Energy Map (Diagnostics of energy potentials and health)
- Step 6. Luck & Karma Test
- Step 7. Body Map (Physical tensions diagnostics that influence Health)
- Step 8. Money Blocks Test
- Step 9. Love Blocks Test
- Step 10. Higher Self Map (High Energy Parameters Diagnostics)
- Step 11. New Parameters Map
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- STEP 1. FREE HINT: How to get positive karma
- STEP 2. Luck and Karma technologies
- STEP 3. Guardian angels, spirit guides
- STEP 4. Advanced karmic healing techniques
Spiritual Psychic Development
- Step 1. Mental Lab - Ancient Magic & Mind Enhancement Tools. Overview.
Step 2. Initiation through Death (Increase power of the subconscious mind)
- Activation of subconscious experience
- What does my experience of Initiation through Death in past lives mean?
- How does perception of a person change after Initiation?
- Initiation through Death- A Ritual of the Masons
- Ritual "Stop the World" Castaneda and Don Juan
- Meeting Death (Castaneda and the bully boy)
- Step 3. Assemblage point & Mental Recovery
- Step 4. Magical Initiations (Dedications)
- Step 5. Consciousness Empowerment Technologies.
- Step 6. Past Life Experience Activation.
- Step 7. Other Accelerated Development Technologies
- Love & Sex spells
- Business & Money Spells
FREE Mandalas & VideoBooks
- Video-Book 1 - Atlantis Heritage
- Video-Book 2 - Humanity outside of the Earth (VIDEO)
BOOK 1. The Heritage of Atlantis
- Intro. The principles of development.
- 1.1. Ancient civilizations and technologies on the planet Earth.
- 1.2. The Lemurian Civilization
- 1.3. Mental enhancement technologes of Atlantida and ancient civilizations
- 2: The evolution of the soul
- 3.1. Extraterrestrial highly developed civilizations.
- 3.2: Causes of the destruction of powerful civilizations
- 3.3. Non-humanoid incarnations and civilizations
- 3.4. Is the Earth controlled by any highly developed civilizations?
BOOK 2. Mental Magic & Past Civilizations
- PART 1. Preface. The Heritage of Atlantis.
- PART 2. The Principles of Evolution
- PART 3. Ancient and modern magicians
- PART 4. Ancient evolution schemes and secret schools.
- PART 5. The worild of Gods and Mages
- PART 6 - Heritage. The history of Civilization.
- PART 7. The Magic Empires
- PART 8. Taro as the system of evolution.
- PART 9. Specializations in magic. The market of magic.
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