- Past-life experience
- The Vessel of Luck and Karma
- Personal energy balance
- Main psychology complexes and stresses
- Balance of vitamins and microelements.
6. Life Phobias Stress Release
1. Complexes for life and holidays
Review: Cleaning of complex of boredom of life /Alia:
Good afternoon!) Thank you for the information)) After cleaning the complex of the boredom for life something brightened in the soul. It is this word - "brightened." I will observe))) In general, there are a lot of things that I want to clean.
Review: Cleaning of complex of happiness /Marina:
After cleaning the happiness complexes I feel great) The state has changed in the last 2 days approximately. It became somehow easy. I was in a good mood more, there were lightness and tides of happiness, as if flying and hovering somewhere high))
Review: Cleaning of complexes and stresses /Andrew:
This is a cool thing, cleaning the fun complexes! I used to be rather skeptical about the holidays. And now sometimes out of the blue there is a desire to dance, sing along. Some kind of common light drive is present :))
Review: Cleaning of complexes and stresses /Natalia:
Cleaning of complex to the holidays. Usually I get around the party and ignore it. No motivation to be there. After the first cleaning, I noticed that the mood was internally active and cheerful, and I wanted to communicate with others.
Review: Cleaning of complexes and stresses /Ignat:
Cleaning of complex “Negative reaction to what is happening”.
Thank you very much for working with mom! The result is real - permanent depression is gone.
Review: Cleaning of complexes and stresses /Svetlana:
Regarding the complexes - attitudes towards people and attitudes towards life.
Feel like you cleaned up well.
The attitude has changed. It became much easier to live.
And the environment changed dramatically.
Review: Cleaning of complexes and stresses /Michael:
After adjusting the complexes of a bad mood, an easy joyful state arose. Even in some difficult situations there is no such tension.
After adjusting the complexes of happiness, a lucid state of mind arose. As if part of the load from the soul is gone.
2. Shyness and attitude to yourself
Review: Cleaning of complex of attitude to yourself /Nadezhda:
Feedback on cleaning the complex of attitude to yourself. There was a light, barely perceptible sense of optimism, the St. Petersburg weather stopped being a burden. Such a state appeared (it is even difficult to put it into words) of some satisfaction, perhaps. For example, if I was doing some unloved thing, then I used to feel sorry for myself, but now I just do it and do not feel unpleasant emotions. YES, and again I repeat, after cleaning one or the other it begins to be felt more strongly.
Review: Cleaning of complex of negativity to yourself / Valeria:
The task is to reduce the critical attitude to oneself, towards non-judgmental acceptance.
Result after work: - what about the love of myself, I begin to feel the changes). About myself - I have butterflies in my stomach))). From what I am unique, amazing and cool right now, and also from what I can be, I want to be and which one I will accordingly)).
I begin to appreciate the enormous potential and development opportunities that are in me, so I want to please myself, indulge, fulfill desires, develop talents, surround with care, love and all the best in this world, care and cultivate, invest in myself not out of necessity or for the sake of something, but out of love! Colossal effect). I'm very glad).
And another interesting observation - now I don’t try to look at myself from the perspective of an observer, but I look at the world as if from within myself - I take interest in everything around me and keep track of what I feel, like me, how I feel with this, what I want, and not I look like at this time.
Review: Cleaning of complex of attitude to yourself / Alice:
Happy and elevated condition, but as always after your work!
It became easier to rise above the routine and everyday life and make fun of some work situations. And I have more strength! Hooray!
I am very grateful to YOU that you are and that YOU help people to change for the better. THANKS.
Review: Cleaning of complex of shyness / Nicholas B.:
Somehow I caught myself thinking that the word "shyness" had gone from my vocabulary!) I felt a change. Suppose, at the sight of pretty girls, cockroaches would immediately climb into their heads “Do not come, she’s certainly not alone, what would you say to her”. Now this is not). Well, and so on. Even in communication with colleagues ease and simplicity appeared. Without backward thoughts. I look forward to continuing to work with experts.
Review: Cleaning of complex of attitude to yourself /Ivan:
Greetings. I observed. A sense of integrity, self-discipline appeared, it was a sense of oneself, and not pieces of it. Now I can calmly talk about myself, about my feelings.... I’m really feeling this and realizing that this is me, that this is mine ... let's see how things go next.
Review: Cleaning of complex of attitude to yourself /Tatiana, Moscow:
I want to note the results of cleaning in relation to myself and the influence of the opinions of others: there was a constant confidence that I was right. And this is so important for a person who has always doubted himself, the correctness of his actions and deeds. Now, what would I do, even if something goes wrong - I just know: I'm right and I don't care who or what thinks about it — I just had the feeling that I was breathing deeply and began to drink life in big gulps.
Review: Clean of complex to your appearance /Nadezhda:
I thank you very much, for some reason, after this cleaning of the complex, the negative attitude towards my appearance and self-doubt became so easy on my heart, as if the stone was removed from my soul, it became easier to breathe, as if the light had let in me, amazing sensations, in general everything you are doing, it is difficult to describe, this is at the level of sensations, but definitely, these are bright energies!!! You are doing magical things, it is amazing how lucky I am that I met you, I hope for further cooperation, I will be with you!!! Thanks!!!
Review: Cleaning of complex of attitude to yourself /Vera, a psychologist:
Getting rid of psychological complexes is a completely new method for me, which was hard to believe, however, which also attracted by its simplicity. Having tried with one complex - I was removed dislike for myself - there was a feeling that I was free from heavy chains that bound my whole life. This is incredible, but true. Now I understand that I spent so much energy on a vain struggle with my complexes, always turning out to be a loser. Now, after removing a few more complexes that most disturbed me in relations with myself and the world around me, I understand that this is an invaluable gift for me from the Universe. I warmly thank the site team! And I highly recommend to all users - try it! You will very quickly feel the change for the better. And the forces that you would have to spend in order to control your unconscious - and it is much stronger than us - you can direct to the creative channel, to something good and more pleasant in your life! Entrust this business to professionals! Best wishes to you!
3. Cleaning of fears and phobias
Review: Cleaning of complex of fear of heights /Tatiana, Moscow:
I have the fear of heights removed. I want to talk about how it was before and after: from childhood I was very afraid of heights, I remember how I had nightmares when I was little, how I needed to cross the railway bridge, but I could not walk on it .. Many times this happened in my life and I just started to panic or had stupor. I did not know how to jump from one edge of a small pit to another .... I could not go to the balcony, go out on it and look outside. When I entered the elevator, my heartbeat always increased, and I was always terrified of them. My patience came to an end when I was at a deep-seated metro station, where there was a very long escalator down I simply could not go down on it. After that, I asked for help at the center and asked to remove this fear - the Fear of Height.
It took quite a bit of time and I noticed that I was on the machine myself going down that ill-fated escalator downward without the slightest fear and looking back. The thought that I am about to fall does not even arise. I am not shaky and my head is not spinning.
I also stopped being afraid of elevators and now I am calmly in the elevator and can wait for someone in it, without going to the floor, as I used to do. A particularly nice bonus was to feeling that I stopped being afraid to fly in an airplane. This is just an indescribable feeling. Since except, as about the journey and an interesting book, which I like to read on the plane, I no longer think either during takeoff, or during flight, or during landing.
This is just wonderful! Thank you very much!!!
Review: Cleaning of complex to fly on an airplane /Irina, Kiev:
Up to 30 years, all my travels were a land mode of transport, and subconsciously, surprisingly, I was not drawn to distant countries. When for the first time there was a question of travel related to flight, I was first covered by an internal panic, and I realized that I would not fly anywhere, without any explanations, and I sabotaged the journey several times in my family. This lasted until I realized and called for myself this fear of flying on airplanes. I turned to the specialists of the center, I will say that this fear did not go away at once, I was warned that some phobias may have very deep, subconscious roots, but at least I began to consider the options of flights not far, 2-3 hours away.
I wanted more, I asked this question to clean up as much as possible, and a miracle happened)! I fly far and long, the fear of flights has gone. Thanks for the work!)

Stress Release. Fobias examples and description. Learn More
Our specialists have developed a technology that removes complexes, stresses, phobias that have been forming in our personality over millions of years and create tension in various spheres of life. Cleaning is done at the energy level. A person relieves tension and restores normal, adequate perception of reality.
Our job is to relieve energy tension and help the mind to process negative information. Stress is transformed into personal experience, a calm attitude to the source of unpleasant sensations appears. You need a photo and a clear description of stress.
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