- Past-life experience
- The Vessel of Luck and Karma
- Personal energy balance
- Main psychology complexes and stresses
- Balance of vitamins and microelements.
PART 6 - Heritage. The history of Civilization.
PART 6 - HERITAGE. History of civilization.
1. Heritage.
Usually, the term "heritage" is used to denote the historical, material, scientific and magical heritage of the ancient civilizations of the earth. In the German tradition there is an idea of the "land of ancestors" (the civilization of the Wans), called Thule (it is "Arktida"). There are thus two poles, which are sources of two traditions: the Atlantic (not to be confused with NATO) and the Arctic (for the same Antarctic see the Yetunov Bases and the Vans landing zone). These two poles produce two traditions of consciousness evolution (the two races of Vana and Asura (Ases) have different types of consciousness). As a result, there are three fundamentally different traditions in the world: the Pre-Atlantian (over 100 thousand years old), the Atlantic (about 100 thousand years) and the Van, and the Aryan (about 40 thousand years).
1.1. Atlantis and sources of knowledge about it.
The Atlantic tradition is associated with the flowering of civilization, known as Atlantis (simply designating one of the empires that existed at that time). The self-name of the race of Atlantis Ass-Su, hence the later Assyrian (they are Assi from the northern tradition). According to the legend, this race was artificially created by powerful aliens from Mars - Etunami (Tibetan Eti, in the northern legend - Etune). The Bible speaks of giants (angels) who came from heaven and took the mistresses of earthly women, giving birth to giants from them. In the ancient tradition (Greek myths) it is said about the Titans, overthrown in Tartarus by the Gods led by Zeus. The danger threatening people in the case of flights to Mars (the birthplace of the Yetuns) is predicted by Michel Nostradamus. According to the northern legend (the legend of the Wans, recorded by Samund the Wise in the 8th century - "The Elder Edda"), the Etune, which was a powerful (technogenic) civilization, created 4 races for the colonization of the Earth. The first race is dwarven dwarves (gnomes), the second race is the tall and wise Alva (Elves), natural magicians, the third race are intelligent and inventive Assyrian (Atlanta), and the fourth race is the brave and cruel warriors of Vana (Aria).
1.1.1. Doors
The first artificial race, created on the basis of the Etunov technologies. Contains the genes of indigenous earthlings (the race of Mu) and Etunov themselves. Created by the Yetuns as workers for the extraction of minerals on Earth. In a collision with the indigenous population, they were forced into mines, where they created a whole underground civilization. Known as the Kikropy and the Gnomes (leprekorny). They created a system of tunnels (white arrows in the terminology of modern diggers) and underground structures throughout the Earth. This is the legendary kingdom of Aida from ancient myths. The dwarves retained the Etunov technology, but they did not create their own technologies. Traditionally, they are considered connoisseurs of minerals and metals (see "The Ural Tales" by Bazhov). Underground civilization of the Earth exists in our time.
1.1.2. Alva.
Natural Mages 4.2, capable of interacting with consciousness with living matter. Long-term (up to 1000 years), but very poorly reproduce - 1 or 2 children during life.The source of energy for them are plants (trees). The Druids were their disciples. Defeated by the aborigines in a number of wars (people learned to block their magic and were much more numerous), the alva adapted to life in the water, creating a water civilization (the kingdom of Poseidon). This underwater civilization gave rise to a number of legends in people (mermaids, water). At present, due to new technologies, the penetration of people into the world Ocean has increased, and clashes with "underwater people" have increased. When deep-water descents are taken pictures of some large humanoid creatures and their structures. Towed cameras take off at great depths some technological complexes (underwater plants). A large number of UFOs (vimans - the Etunov aircraft) are observed, submerging in water and flying out from under the water.In the classes of combat swimmers conducted on deep inland lakes (Baikal), Soviet "sea seals" were engaged in combat collisions (with casualties for personnel) with unknown divers, rising from the depths, dressed in black overalls and transparent round helmets. These divers had no visible external breathing apparatus such as gas cylinders.
1.1.3. Assurians.
This race, created by the Yetuns, was the most successful. Created as warriors and engineers (transition 3-4.1), the Assyrian conquered the planet. They built a city in Antarctica for their creators (the inhabitants of the cold Mars, so the Yetuns are covered with thick red hair, although the color of the skin is white, they hardly survive the temperatures of the Earth, preferring to be in the polar regions among the ice.) Samud the Wise calls them an innocent giants growth from 3 to 5 m.) Asura moved the defeated aborigines to some reservations on the islands and began to build cities.Several time on Earth there was a Limurian civilization that included all the created by that time the Yetuns After the Assurans began to separate themselves into a separate culture and created their own empire, it took tens of thousands of years and was associated with the creation of fundamentally new technologies based on the highly developed technologies of the Youtun. Ektunov's civilization is "iron", it builds mechanisms, and the Atlanteans created biocivilization. On the basis of the artificial quasiclet created by them (a unified cell containing the "base" genome), they began to build "pseudo-organisms" (in the work of the writers of the Strugatsky brothers "Waves quench the wind" there is a fragment connected with artificial organisms built on the basis of "embryophore" - this is very similar to Atlanta's biotechnology). Biotechnology of Atlantis.
These technologies were related, as was said above, to the creation of a quasi-cell. This cell of completely artificial origin was obtained by assembling from the fragments of living cells of different types by means of programmable viruses. Viruses are nanotechnology, somewhere and once created by extraterrestrial civilization (roughly located in the central region of our or even a different galaxy). Viruses represent robots created to work on the transformation and assembly of cells. Viruses are controlled by a sequence of pulses of light in the blue or violet region, the codes being developed on the basis of a periodic system of chemical elements. After picking up control codes, the Atlanteans created an average or protocell using the genomes of hundreds of different organisms that existed at the time. This cell is essentially the same as the wonders of Baron Frankenstein, described by the writer Mary Shelley (a man sewn from bodies taken from different corpses, and animated by an electric discharge). The obtained protocell could be grown in a nutrient medium and be an embryo for the creation of a specialized pseudo-organism. Unlike ordinary organisms that make up the Earth's organism, pseudo-organisms do not enter this organism and, accordingly, are not connected with external control (from the System). Therefore, they do not die like ordinary organisms, and can exist indefinitely. By creating them, the Atlanteans, naturally, built a self-destruct mechanism into their living machines, but having lost their technological capabilities after the destruction of Atlantis, they lost the opportunity to use this code. Developing biotechnology, the Atlanteans have learned to build living houses, create live clothes, live aircraft and live starships. Biomachines Atlantes have mastered all the elements and worked in space. Confrontation of Atlanta with Limuria.
The coexistence of two civilizations, biogenic and technogenic, lasted for thousands of years on the planet. The Atlanteans increasingly felt like earthlings (just as the Europeans who came to America became Americans). Constantly between Atlanta and the Limurians, disputes arose because of environmental problems. Iron (mechanistic) technology Etunov exhausted the useful resources of the Earth and poisoned the environment. According to legend, Mars was not the birthplace of the Etuns. Their home planet Phaeton (located between Mars and Jupiter) exploded precisely from the imbalance of the core, which occurred due to unreasonable mining of minerals and the use of non-environmentally friendly technologies. In addition, the interstellar civilization of the Etuns was not unified. Once there was a split (very similar to the plot of George Lucas's films "Star Wars", where the "rebels" faction fought with the "Imperial" faction.) The leader of the "rebels" was Sa Gan, the "emperor" Hef Royim. in the "outer" world influenced the Earth's mythology). Atlanta, formally entering the camp of the Yituns (the self-name of this race of Yo-Tu), had a very tense relationship with them and always armed themselves. Knowing about the existence in the universe of magical civilizations (more powerful than "iron"), they sought to reach this level sooner. Creation of technology of magicians.
By betting on more promising biotechnologies, the Atlanteans tried, first and foremost, to accelerate their own evolution in order to get Mages (4.2). These creatures in themselves were a very powerful weapon (see abilities
4.1 to control the state of living organisms). Having created special installations - "sarcophagi" (or "incubators", see below), they artificially began to accelerate the evolution of a group of volunteers selected for experiments (4.1). As a result, they received a group of fully functional Mages of level 4.2. These Mages possessed the effect of "full consciousness", that is, they could consistently build up the potential of consciousness in each subsequent life. The formed group received the task to investigate interactions such as "human consciousness - the consciousness of the planet Earth." They had the most perfect, according to Atlantis level of technology development, hardware. To their services were huge resources, accumulated by the entire Atlantean civilization, which had external bases not only in the Solar system, but also in other stellar systems. At their disposal were several thousand years of "peaceful" life. As a result, they received data on the consciousness of the planet Earth, the principles of building the Treaty and ways to manage planetary processes. Thus, the Atlantean civilization passed into the class of Magical civilizations (capable of manipulating the universe with the help of their consciousness). All the knowledge was immediately used. Atlanta began to create the technology of "Magic" civilization. Technologies of Magical Civilization.
1. The reading machine.
First of all, technologies related to teaching and intellectual work were created. These technologies are analogous to modern computer technology, with the difference that all programs recorded on a metal carrier were installed directly in the human consciousness (the carrier is gray metal rectangular bars measuring approximately 15x10 cm with a thickness of about 2 cm , have fixing grooves on the surface and protrusions for fixation in the reader). The recording of information on a metallic medium was performed at the intra-atomic level due to the spin orientation of the electrons over the levels. I can not estimate the capacity of one such CD - disk, but, in principle, it is comparable to the amount of human memory). With the aid of a reader (the Atlantean reading machine is now known as the "Ra helmet" or "crown of Upper Egypt." It is described in I. Efremov's "The Razor's Edge" entitled "Black Helmet"), it was possible to screen the human brain and rewrite the information directly in the human consciousness. Such "programs", or "books", were divided into "catalogs" (reference books) and "expert programs" containing personal experience of specialists. Imagine learning at the institute. The study of subjects is reduced to listening to lectures (presenting the theory), performing laboratory work (obtaining practical experience), and performing coursework (using the acquired knowledge of the subject to solve a specific problem). Further, a specialist after the institute begins to work practically, and the obtained data is supplemented by personal experience. As a result, a block of professional knowledge accumulated by this specialist during life, which can in principle be copied (copied) to an external medium and installed to another person is formed. For this person, the "non-verbal" experience obtained will be equivalent to one's own experience. The catalogs contained the "Guide" service program, equivalent to the expert program in this field. For example, the Catalog of Plants of the Earth contained an expert program of a specialist in botany, capable of giving a characterization (lecture) for each plant mentioned in the catalog.
2. Hyperthraxis.
All information was stored on external "computers", which were an artificially grown from quasicellular brains of a huge capacity in relation to the human brain. This machine allowed not only to store a huge amount of information, but also to connect users to a single network (single consciousness) with the help of many external connected terminals. Each client through his terminal was included in the total information capacity, resulting in a direct information exchange between the minds. The total power of group consciousness was such that it allowed for very strong effects. To enhance the effect, all such machines were connected to the network, and since the artificial hypermuscle was not connected to the System (the consciousness of the Earth), the outlet was attached to a giant octopus, the part of the brain of which was a prosthesis grown from quasicells. This very large specimen, who lived in a special basin connected to the sea, was still a teenager and was in contact with his adult mother, who was of fantastic size and swimming in the Ocean (see Leviathan). Since these were real animals, the connection between Hypermuscle and the System was that allowed to control real planetary processes.
3. Cintomani.
When the Etuns created their artificial races (they were created on the Moon and Mars), these creatures were not included in the body of the planet, and were perceived by it as a foreign body. To include these artificial races in the Earth cycle, in order for them to reproduce and after death to be incarnated here on Earth, the Yetuns dropped the artificial crystal brain of Chintomani to the planet from orbit. In addition to the main computer (a large crystalline sphere), this brain included small terminals, made in the form of different sizes (different capacities) of black stones (usually irregular shapes). These stones in appearance are a cross between coal and meteorite iron. Kristallmozgg began to interact with the consciousness of the Earth like an implant, changing the consciousness of the Earth. As a result of this change, the artificial races, planted from the outside, were dragged into the cycle of Earthly life. Designed primarily to adjust the Cintamani parameters, the terminals further became the planet control consoles (power stones) and the way to access the Earth's memory (see the History of the alchemist John Dee and his partner Kelly, who owned the "black mirror"). Occultists (4.2), close to the government of the Earth, have long taken possession of these terminals and influence with their help on the course of planetary processes. The crystal heart itself, according to legend, was moved to Tibet and placed on top of a copper tower .
4. The Great Pyramid of Atlantis.
Civilization Etunov knew how to use the properties of pyramids. They used pyramids to focus the energy flows of the planets, creating power stations that produce free energy. Atlantes, using this principle, created a network of control machines from the pyramids, which made it possible to control the consciousness of the planet. These pyramids, usually called the Great Pyramids of Atlanta, were giant structures such as the Great Pyramid of Cheops and were located in various parts of the world. Selected in advance (from space) the pyramid installation points were the places of passage through the surface of the planet of large energy flows (forces). In these places, obelisks were made in the form of a lion (a designation in the occult of the Force). Later, one of the pharaohs altered the lion into a sphinx, carving out his face on the monument. The pyramid inside had a complex system of chambers (resonators) and mines (waveguides), with the help of which it was tuned in frequency to this channel. In the upper golden section of the pyramid (1/3 of the top) there was a control loop, which included a very large artificial diamond and an operator's chamber coordinated with it (for controlling planetary processes). The operator through the crystal modulated the energy flow entering the structure of the Earth's consciousness, thereby creating a control impulse.
5. The Sephiroth Tree.
Studying the structure of the planetary consciousness of the Earth and based on the models of the universe of other civilizations, the Atlanteans came to the information model of the universe (like the one described in the movie "The Matrix"). Earth Consciousness is something like a virtual computer. This idea is most clearly described in Hinduism: there is an energy that moves the world (Shiva), there are certain events that occur in the world (Vishnu) and there is some external consciousness within which it occurs (Brahma). In this Brahma consciousness has two states: sleep and wakefulness. It is customary to designate the universe as the sign of infinity - the eight placed on its side. In this case, the dream of Brahma will correspond, for example, to the left loop (the world), and the wake to the right loop (anti-world), the knot between the loops, usually called the singular point, will correspond to the awakening (falling asleep) of Brahma-the point of the Big Bang in modern cosmogony. You can imagine a computer with two states - on (the world exists) and off (the world does not exist). However, for consciousness, sleep and wakefulness are something else (during sleep, consciousness and all the information inside it do not disappear, but only go into a different mode of work). Further in the computer there is a certain program (language, system of codes and commands) with which help the whole internal information environment of the computer (the Contract) is organized. Having studied the information space of the Earth,The Atlanteans created a certain block diagram of this space, known as the Tree of Sephiroth (Kabbalistic tradition). This structure consists of two types of objects: The first type is Sephiroth (they correspond to the idea of dividing the internal computer information space into disk areas (disks: D , C , E , etc). In total Sefir 10 (that is, the Earth's information space is divided into 10 regions (disks) .The second type of objects is called Channels, and there are only 22 of them, they connect the Sephira and form the structure of the Sephiroth Tree (Contracts) .This is a system of commands, or Angels (the term Kabbalists) , - "language", with the help of which the Treaty (program) was created.
Each Channel is a certain command (acting force, physical law and measurement). Each channel contains an Angel that performs the transformation (each command is a subroutine in the Program and can be viewed from within the program as an object or character). We are, as it were, inside a computer game located on one of the discs (the world of some Sephira), and we are constantly exposed to the Forces (Angels, or teams). A model of the world, built in the form of a computer, needs a programmer (the Creator). The model of the virtual consciousnesses embedded in each other excludes the external character of the Creator and is reduced to Brahma, who sees a dream - a contract in which Brahma sleeps, who sees a dream ... In this model there is no Creator (programmer), but there is a Supreme principle (Brahma) called in the Magic System. The term System means some extra-human intelligence of a completely different level than the human (the transition of quantity to quality). So, we ourselves consist of billions of cells possessing some kind of consciousness, but it is qualitatively different from ours, while direct dialogue "person-cell" is practically impossible, since there are no common concepts. More precisely, there are such concepts, but they are related to the most primitive functions: nutrition, reproduction, movement ... Imagine communicating with the Higher Beginning atbut they are related to the most primitive functions: nutrition, reproduction, movement ... Imagine communicating with the Higher Beginning atbut they are related to the most primitive functions: nutrition, reproduction, movement ... Imagine communicating with the Higher Beginning at principles: go, eat and multiply ...
The death of civilization.
What exactly led to the death of civilization, is now definitely not known. There is a suggestion that this could be the "Imperial" ship Etunov, who broke into the solar system (through the defense of the "rebels") and fired upon the Earth as the base of the Yetuns; possible system to protect the orbital stations of the Limurians mistakenly has taken the Fluctuation of the Treaty (reality) as a Magical Attack of the Assyrian (Atlantis). As a result, it is known that the first blow was caused from space and it was not blocked. Then everything happened automatically: all the defense systems of Atlantis went into combat readiness and struck back at the Etunov orbital stations, the bases on the Moon and on Mars. Crews and automation were out of order. Atlant ships blocked all movements in the Solar System. However, the missed first strike did its job. Although direct damage from the impact from the orbit was insignificant, the side effect was simply stunning: from the impact of the radiators in the ionosphere of the planet, ring currents appeared, which in turn induced a current in Magma, which is the second winding of the Earth's transformer. And the current in the electrolyte is the movement of particles. As a result, a tidal wave appeared in Magma several kilometers high, which began to move with great speed, moving and turning the continental plates. As a result, volcanoes erupted and the seas began to boil. All the evaporated water spilled in rain, flooding the land. The main continent of Atlantis was torn into several parts, forming including the Azores, Britain and Greenland. Civilization on Earth was destroyed in a few hours. When Magma's wave went out, circling the Earth several times, those who survived began to save everything that could be saved. The main continent of Atlantis was torn into several parts, forming including the Azores, Britain and Greenland. Civilization on Earth was destroyed in a few hours. When Magma's wave went out, circling the Earth several times, those who survived began to save everything that could be saved. The main continent of Atlantis was torn into several parts, forming including the Azores, Britain and Greenland. Civilization on Earth was destroyed in a few hours. When Magma's wave went out, circling the Earth several times, those who survived began to save everything that could be saved. Rescue work.
Basically, about 70% of the world's population died during the first two hours of the Holocaust. Moving continents caused displacement of the Earth's axis and displacement of the magnetic poles. Part of the people drowned in the flood, the other was burnt in the streams of erupting lava. There was nowhere to escape. Survived spacecraft, underwater vehicles and several orbiting satellites. The lunar base and the cities on Mars were put out of order. The spaceships descended where they could sit, took away all those who were still alive, and headed for the distant space colonies of the Atlanteans. The least, strangely enough, affected the aborigines of the Earth, dragging a semi-wild existence in distant reservations on the islands. During the underground tsunami, these islets behaved like floats on a wave, and their inhabitants did not suffer. Moreover, having got used to storms and floods, they immediately hid in shelters. Underwater settlements were mostly destroyed, but underwater inhabitants (who adapted to life in the ocean) saved everyone they could. Underground civilization also suffered terribly, but took part in rescue operations. When the water slept a little, the survivors began to gather on the surviving islands of land, which later turned out to be mountain peaks. Underwater inhabitants searched the bottom in search of surviving equipment and dragged it to the survivors. The Atlanteans and the Lemurians, who survived the cataclysm, united and began to establish everything that could be repaired. the survivors began to gather on the surviving islands of land, which later turned out to be mountain peaks. Underwater inhabitants searched the bottom in search of surviving equipment and dragged it to the survivors. The Atlanteans and the Lemurians, who survived the cataclysm, united and began to establish everything that could be repaired. the survivors began to gather on the surviving islands of land, which later turned out to be mountain peaks. Underwater inhabitants searched the bottom in search of surviving equipment and dragged it to the survivors. The Atlanteans and the Lemurians, who survived the cataclysm, united and began to establish everything that could be repaired. Noah's Ark.
Having magical abilities, many inhabitants of Atlantis anticipated something wrong. However, the governments tried to suppress the panic, since there were no visible prerequisites for a catastrophe, either in tectonics or in the atmosphere. However, individuals who feel the proximity of the disaster have taken their own measures. Including Noah, described in the Bible, may have been a historical character who tried to save some samples of flora and fauna. Most likely, the Ark was something of a closed ecological space, located inside the ship. However, given the technology then existing, it is unlikely that he built this ship with the help of an ax made of wood. Thus, despite the instantaneous cataclysm, flora and fauna, thanks to the initiative of individual enthusiasts, still survived. Drawings in the desert Nazca. Rescue expeditions.
After a while, the water level began to drop and large enough free spaces were formed. Aborigines sailed there from the islands and began to quickly settle the land. After some time people again settled on the surface of the planet. Meanwhile, several space stations of the Limurians remained on Earth's orbit. When the disaster struck, the station crew could do nothing to help the people perishing at the bottom, and just watched the cataclysm in powerful optics. Then, realizing that for a long time on Earth there would be nothing to do, they decided to introduce watches, keeping most of the crews in suspended animation. At the stations there were only descent emergency vehicles of the type of aircraft capable of floating in the Earth's Magnetic Field. However, such devices did not develop sufficient power to return to the station. The resources of the stations were great, but not infinite, and all the crews understood that sooner or later they would have to go down. They prepared several reconnaissance expeditions to Earth. Those groups of scouts that began to descend to the surface hundreds of years after the disaster, discovered large areas of land inhabited by savages. The task of the groups included preparing the base for the return of the inhabitants of the orbital stations to Earth. As a result of this work, several civilized states have been created that can provide some comfort to the returnees. The process of creating civilizations lasted for decades. Naturally, neither the batteries nor the batteries were able to work out that much time. Therefore, for communication with the orbit, technologies were used to transfer luminous letters to the top. On the contour of the signs of the alphabet (a hieroglyphic letter, created by the type of symbols on our video cameras), grooves exploded, into which a combustible mixture was poured. So, "burning" successively the necessary letters, "upward" messages from the Earth were transmitted. Intelligence groups did not have serious weapons, and many tribes resisted "civilizers." In such cases, after a communication session with unruly savages, a point strike was made from outer space, much weaker than the impact that caused the catastrophe. Fearing an attack in a dream, the reconnaissance teams slept on the bottom of the reservoirs, using the equipment of spacesuits. As a result, to accommodate the "heavenly guests" with a maximum of amenities, several empires were created. Descent of astronauts from orbit was carried out in several stages, while those who stayed at the stations insured the descended fire support.Some of the equipment of the stations was lowered down, but they left the main mechanisms in working order just in case. Those who descended on Earth tried to re-equip descent vehicles for ascent into orbit, but apparently did not succeed in this.
Invasion of the Vans.
Creation of the Van race.
For several millennia, after the disaster, the civilization of Yitunov came to his senses. It is possible that the ship of the "Imperials", firing at the Earth, fired at Mars. As a result of the civilization, the Earth's resources were again needed. Not expecting on the planet that survived the catastrophe, a hearty welcome, the Yetuns created a new race to conquer the planet. This race, called Vany (wings), was created in such a way as not to repeat the Assyrian path and not get out of control (see the gene of absolute submission). Van, like the other artificial races, created on the Moon and Mars. They were endowed with Magical abilities, creating for them a certain type of Magic (Magic of Runes). This magic was a kind of natural magic of the Alves (Elves). The condition of action on the Earth (or another planet) of Magic is the connection of the Magician with the consciousness of this planet (Vril's energy).This connection in the form of tuning has only a being born on this planet (as part of the whole). To obtain this adjustment, the Etunes came into contact with one of the Assyrian, the Mage of Loki. He was taken to the lunar base and there copied the setting, giving it the Mages of a new race. Since Vanov was immediately created as Magi, they were initially given specialization. Thus, the Wang Mages created approximately one per thousand warriors. In addition to the Mages, leaders were set up to manage groups, or commanders (chiefs), who were programmed separately. It was they who built the genetic program of "absolute submission".Since Vanov was immediately created as Magi, they were initially given specialization. Thus, the Wang Mages created approximately one per thousand warriors. In addition to the Mages, leaders were set up to manage groups, or commanders (chiefs), who were programmed separately. It was they who built the genetic program of "absolute submission". Since Vanov was immediately created as Magi, they were initially given specialization. Thus, the Wang Mages created approximately one per thousand warriors. In addition to the Mages, leaders were set up to manage groups, or commanders (chiefs), who were programmed separately. It was they who built the genetic program of "absolute submission". The gene of absolute submission.
The work of this gene, built in by the leaders of Van, looked as follows: in the body of these people (leaders) there is no program for the synthesis of alkaloids, chemical compounds responsible for the CNS relaxation regimen. As a result, the tension in the leader's body increases and, as a result, comes to the ongoing stress, which can only be removed by a special drug called Soma-Davi (Indian tradition), a drink of the gods Nektar (Western tradition), Med Poetry (northern tradition). This substance is a beer derived from the Soma plant (small plantations of which were in Tibet and Altai and were controlled by the Yetuns). Under the influence of Soma-Davi, processed by Wang Mages with the help of special runic spells Atta Beer (all runes are divided into 8 atts with 3 runes each),the leaders enter into the trance state (inclusion in the information channel) and their minds engage Etunov on Mars. The Yetuns rule this leader and through him the whole group. After the end of the communication session, the leader left the meditation with a ready decision and completely rested. However, with the advent of beer (ale) and vodka (alcohol), as well as with the interruption of the very tradition of runic magicians (erys), the gene of absolute submission turned into hereditary alcohol dependence. As a result of the degradation of the spinning leaders, the Vanov civilization got out of control of Etunov. Because the Vans were born warriors, and beyondHowever, with the advent of beer (ale) and vodka (alcohol), as well as with the interruption of the very tradition of runic magicians (erys), the gene of absolute submission turned into hereditary alcohol dependence. As a result of the degradation of the spinning leaders, the Vanov civilization got out of control of Etunov. Because the Vans were born warriors, and beyondHowever, with the advent of beer (ale) and vodka (alcohol), as well as with the interruption of the very tradition of runic magicians (erys), the gene of absolute submission turned into hereditary alcohol dependence. As a result of the degradation of the spinning leaders, the Vanov civilization got out of control of Etunov. Because the Vans were born warriors, and beyond (outside) of his Assyrian enemy was no more, they arranged a chain of internal wars that ended with the death of the Van civilization about 25 thousand years ago. Invasion of the Vans.
After the death of Atlantis, more than 20 thousand years passed. Secondary cities of Atlantis restrained the onslaught of the Barbarians, seeking to seize the treasures of the forbidden "cities of the gods." The inhabitants of these cities remembered little about the Yetuns. Compared with the Barbarians, the threat from Mars was abstract. At this moment, Vimans appeared on the secondary cities of Atlantis (the Etunov aircraft). They landed troops and fired at cities from the air. Within a few days with the remains of the Assyrian civilization on Earth was finished. The Mahabharata.
The Indian epic "Mahabharata" narrates about the decline of the Vans civilization. Modern researchers agree that about 25 thousand years ago on Earth there was a nuclear war. The epic "Mahabharata" describes the war with the use of Astravidya - the weapon of the gods. The ancient Indian treatise "Vimanikashastra" describes many types of aircraft, including combat aircraft. Apparently, one of these Wiman was found in 1946 . in the center of Kiev and handed over to scientists who created Soviet space technology. There is an indication that another Vimana of smaller size was found in the Germans in Ukraine during the war and taken to Germany. Russian engineers, examining the monuments of ancient civilization accessible to visitors in Egypt (a significant part of the ancient objects is closed for visits under the pretext of restoration or the work of archaeologists, but there are no signs of ongoing work there), concluded on the basis of studying the methods of processing stone monoliths that part It was created by a highly technological technogenic civilization, far exceeding today's level of development (see the film "Secrets of Ancient Egypt"). According to the estimates of Russian civil engineers, all the ancient structures (except for the three pyramids) are underground bunkers and bomb shelters. The ancient chronicles of the Egyptians are just informing about the war of Set with Osiris, which took place in the pre-dynastic period (before the first dynasty of pharaohs, Egypt was ruled by the gods Ra and Osiris). One of the tributaries of the Yenisei River is the Kotelnaya River. Its name comes from some "copper" boilers, dug there in the land of ancient shamans. According to eyewitnesses (hunters accidentally finds this "boilers" in the forest), this underground metallic structures protruding from the earth, and have open entrances. Inside the buildings, the hunters found corpses of people in their spacesuits. Many who have visited the "boiler x ", there were clear signs of radiation sickness. On the territory of Russia, Ukraine and Belarus, you can still see the remains of some Cyclopean ancient defenses known as the Zmiev Walls. In the territory of Ireland there are ancient castles, the walls of which are fused with a heat ray There are many such examples (it also includes the ruins of the ancient city of Mohenjodaro, destroyed, by some indications, by a nuclear bombardment).
According to general ideas, the civilization of the Vanins died about 25 thousand years ago. It is difficult to say who fought with whom. "Mahabharata" describes the battle of the Pandavas with the Kauravas, the mythology of other peoples names other names. It can be assumed that there were several empires, who participated and died in the Great War.
The Heritage of Atlantida. Conent.
- PART 1. The Heritage of Atlantida. Preface.
- PART 2. Principles of Evolution
- PART 4. Ancient evolution schemes and secret schools.
- PART 6 - HERITAGE. History of civilization.
- PART 7. The Magic Empires
- PART 9. Specializations in magic. The market of magic.

- Past-life experience
- The Vessel of Luck and Karma
- Personal energy balance
- Main psychology complexes and stresses
- Balance of vitamins and microelements.