- Past-life experience
- The Vessel of Luck and Karma
- Personal energy balance
- Main psychology complexes and stresses
- Balance of vitamins and microelements.
PART 7. The Magic Empires
PART 7. The Magic Empires
6.2. Magical empire.
There is a reason connected with the fact that the ancient Magi sought to rule over people. They themselves were the product of artificial evolution, taking place using the technical achievements of an entire civilization. The condition for their existence is further development (expediency in the system), but it (development) can occur only under certain conditions (many Magical practices require significant resources). Therefore, the following scheme was usually implemented: 1) The magician, with the help of what he knows, creates some primary group of supporters. 2) This group is trying to restore something from the ancient technologies (depends on the specialization of the Magician). 3) With the help of the received technologies the group increases, accordingly the resource grows. 4) A territory is seized. 5) The group receives a resource of the territory,again increases and expands the boundaries of the territory.
To capture territories (inhabited by barbarians), Mages used everything they could use, including the resurrection of the dead, the creation of werewolves, the cultivation of monsters (from the surviving Atlantis quasi-cells, a variety of monsters were created). Sometimes we created mutants (basilisks and griffins), using the technology of imposing the matrix (see below). As a result of these actions empires arose, whose goal was to ensure the existence of a single school (laboratory). This scheme was repeated many times. For example, in Nazi Germany, such a laboratory (Anenerbe) was led by Wolfram Sievers (mainly, apparently, the technology of building Vimana). In Soviet Russia, apparently, in the beginning - I. Also Agranov (laboratory in the bowels
V.C.K.), then - Barchenko. Perhaps later Lysenko headed the same laboratory. This laboratory has explicitly investigated the method of imposing matrices (see Michurin's works and experiments on breeding a cross between a man and a monkey). In addition, there, apparently, work was carried out in the field of necromancy (revival of bodies) and alchemy (obtaining a philosophical stone (see materials on "red mercury")).
6.2.1. Seth Empire.
Known from the mythology of ancient Egypt, the god Set (the god of the desert and death) was originally a very positive character and even a savior of the world. Its prototype is a real magician from Atlantis, about 15 thousand years ago, created the Magical Empire Stygia, which existed somewhere in northern Africa. This Magician created a laboratory and a school, using for the formation of his empire skills in necromancy and creation of werewolves. He had strong disciples, among whom the most famous were subsequently Ra, Isis and Thoth. Seth was engaged in the collection and study of ancient high-tech artifacts associated with the Magic. Among other things, he faced a complex multifunctional artifact from the outer worlds, hereinafter referred to as the "Set bracelet". There are indications,that his closest pupil Ra reconfigured this martial artifact (something like a dematerializer) in such a way that Seth himself disappeared when he tried to use it. Ra led the school and empire after the disappearance of Seth. Focusing his efforts on the "reading Atlantean helmet", part of the collection of Seth artifacts, he used the helmet as an amplifier of telepathic abilities. With the help of this helmet, subjugating the consciousness of people, he enlarged the empire, creating a state, known subsequently as the Egyptian kingdom. Moving the center of the empire from the land of the Berbers to the delta of the Nile, Ra createdhe used the helmet as an amplifier of telepathic abilities. With the help of this helmet, subjugating the consciousness of people, he enlarged the empire, creating a state, known subsequently as the Egyptian kingdom. Moving the center of the empire from the land of the Berbers to the delta of the Nile, Ra createdhe used the helmet as an amplifier of telepathic abilities. With the help of this helmet, subjugating the consciousness of people, he enlarged the empire, creating a state, known subsequently as the Egyptian kingdom. Moving the center of the empire from the land of the Berbers to the delta of the Nile, Ra created an empire with hereditary rule. Gradually, exhausting the psyche with intense tension, Ra handed over the rule to his son Osiris, warning Osiris of the danger of unrestricted use of the helmet, which by that time had become an official state relic - the "Crown of Upper Egypt".
However Osiris neglected the prohibition of his father and soon lost his mind and power. There is a suggestion that he was overthrown by other disciples of Seth. After the Osiris shift, the power was in the hands of the senior pupils of the Seth school - Isis and Thoth. He captured Schlem Ra, using it to read the ancient texts (Atlantis) recorded on metal carriers. Isis also focused on the technology of reincarnation and the acceleration of evolution (incubators, or sarcophagi). She and her followers (the house of Isis) also developed rituals that use the potentials of living Magicians (the mysteries of Isis) to "initiate". The power in the country was transferred to the warlords (Wanam), who founded the first hereditary dynasty of rulers (pharaohs). The third disciple of Set, Anubis, the Werewolf (wolf-man), who practiced necromancy (all Seth's students, like the shamans, there were active totems and, as a consequence, second non-human monads), focused on the development of the method of temporary de-conservation of the dead (mummification). The meaning of these procedures (expediency) was that after the death of Atlantis and the civilization of the Van people, humanity rapidly deteriorated, losing accumulated knowledge, and this process as a whole continued. Reversible conservation in the corpses (mummies) of the consciousnesses of the great Mages (scientists, 4.2) of the past would enable Reversible conservation in the corpses (mummies) of the consciousnesses of the great Mages (scientists, 4.2) of the past would enable Reversible conservation in the corpses (mummies) of the consciousnesses of the great Mages (scientists, 4.2) of the past would enable the next generations get lost knowledge directly from their carriers. Technology of reversible conservation.
1. Preservation.
Consciousness (monad, or soul) exists independently of the body and is like an inhabitant in the house. While the house is whole and there is food, the dweller lives there, when the house is broken or decayed, and the food is over, the inhabitant is leaving. The usual ideas about life, existing in modern medicine, include a list of injuries incompatible with life. However, the data collected during the period of using the guillotine shows that life can be maintained in a severed head for up to several days. In experiments conducted by Nazi doctors in concentration camps, one prisoner of war supported life in a severed head lying next to the body for about five days. The body was alive too. It did not die even when the heart, liver and lungs were removed. Thus, there are some other ways of existence of the organism, unknown to modern medicine. Necromancers removed internal organs from dead bodies and filled them with a solution capable of absorbing energy coming from outside and transferring this energy to the cells of the body. This solution was a cross between the plant chlorophyll, capable of converting external light into energy, and blood, capable of absorbing the energy obtained during the oxidation of glucose, and carry it to the cells of the body. In this artificial blood, there are certain unicellular blue algae that can perceive external radiation inand carry it to the cells of the body. In this artificial blood, there are certain unicellular blue algae that can perceive external radiation inand carry it to the cells of the body. In this artificial blood, there are certain unicellular blue algae that can perceive external radiation in wide range and convert them into energy. If in a dead body blood corpuscles perish, and the blood itself is curtailed, the odor cell algae behave independently. Such existence of bodies is not infinite, but can be very long. When dying, the bonds of the monad with the body are broken, and to fix it again to the body it is necessary to recreate these connections. Usually, when dying, the monad goes along with the high-frequency structures of the etheric body (see the etheric body produced by the vibrations of the Svadhisthana chakra) and the astral body (see Astral body, produced by the vibrations of the Manipur chakra) of the bodies. To connect a monad with a dead physical body, these agents (etheric and astral bodies) are necessary. They are derived from organic substances, these bodies contain (from plants). For mummification (preservation of the monad in a dead body), vegetable ointments are produced, They have strong radiation in the frequency range of the astral and mental bodies. The body is opened, all internal organs that mummify separately are removed from it and covered from the inside and outside with special ointments that ensure the gluing of the monad. Further, the body was tightly bandaged with a special hygroscopic bandage in several layers, using bandages of different structures. Mummified internal organs were stacked in several ceramic vessels in groups, according to their frequency (separately the organs of Svadhistana, separately - Manipuras). using bandages of different structures. Mummified internal organs were stacked in several ceramic vessels in groups, according to their frequency (separately the organs of Svadhistana, separately - Manipuras).using bandages of different structures. Mummified internal organs were stacked in several ceramic vessels in groups, according to their frequency (separately the organs of Svadhistana, separately - Manipuras).
2. Raskonservation.
The reason for the re-opening was the acute need for this specialist. Sometimes, except for scientists (4.1-4.2), experienced warriors and military leaders (3-4.1) were preserved, whose knowledge could also be useful to the state. The procedure for the resection was started from the body, which was directly placed in bandages in a special underground (without sunlight) pool filled with a special solution saturated with nutrients. The body was bandaged underwater without access to oxygen and light, and its surface was wiped off from the protective resin covering it. By varying the composition of the solution and using electrochemical reactions between the body and the solution, a direct current was passed from the galvanic cells, which was regulated in magnitude and modulated in frequency, using as rotating switches disks with several contact groups on the surface. Such a current,without changing direction (which is important when the body is saturated with nutrients), will have frequency characteristics, which will shift the impact from one chakra to another. Having introduced the body into a state of saturation with moisture and nutrients (otherwise it is oxidized to the state known to all who have seen mummified animals in museums in an instant), they extract it from the solution, put canopies (vessels with organs) next to it, placing them relative to the body from the legs to the head in increasing frequency of the chakras. Thus, the cenotaphs should be seven, and they perform as though the role of modulators of frequency. In each canopic consistently (from Muladhara to Sahasrara, lower the electrode and pass the current of the desired frequency (the frequency of the given chakra) between the cenotaph and the body (activation of thin bodies), depending on the specialization of the deceased (for example, "warrior" 3.0,the seer 4.1, or the Magician 4.2) canopies could be not seven, but, for example, three (Svadhistana + Muladhara, Anahata + Vishudha, Ajna + Sahasrara). The warrior needs an obedient body and reflexes (exact frequency separation of the lower chakras), and the sage does not care for the body, but the mind must be clear (the exact frequency separation of the three upper chakras). As a rule, after the activation of thin bodies on the Sahasrara Chakra frequency, the body revived. For a better current flow between the body and the canopies, braziers were placed on which aromatic substances were burned, creating a cloud of smoke and fumes around the body.but the mind must be clear (the exact frequency separation of the three upper chakras). As a rule, after the activation of thin bodies on the Sahasrara Chakra frequency, the body revived. For a better current flow between the body and the canopies, braziers were placed on which aromatic substances were burned, creating a cloud of smoke and fumes around the body.but the mind must be clear (the exact frequency separation of the three upper chakras). As a rule, after the activation of thin bodies on the Sahasrara Chakra frequency, the body revived. For a better current flow between the body and the canopies, braziers were placed on which aromatic substances were burned, creating a cloud of smoke and fumes around the body.
3. The principle of twins.
In Magic, the principle of congruence or full fit is used. The monad has spatial geometry, and the physical body is a three-dimensional manifestation of this geometry. The mummy is the anchor holding the connection with the consciousness of the deceased person. In the most important cases (especially gifted individuals) we tried not to risk the possibility of losing this connection (with the destruction of the mummy) and making additional anchors for the monad (statues, masks, portraits of the sarcophagus).
4. Library of mummies.
Mummies were kept in large underground storages. Many storage facilities had an outlet through the water (water gate). Inside, oxygen was burned (coal or crude oil burned), creating an atmosphere depleted in oxygen in storage facilities. The keeper of the mummies (librarians) penetrated there with special breathing devices, such as modern oxygen breathing apparatus (used by divers and firemen). In addition to protecting bodies, it also created protection against robbers. Getting into the labyrinth of dungeons filled with carbon monoxide threatened ordinary illiterate peasants with death. Therefore, in such repositories, important texts, tools, artifacts were hidden. Depending on the instructions received, the custodians removed the necessary mummies from the repository, and transferred it to an underground room with a pool and artificial lighting (red light) for re-opening.When the need for this mummy ended, stopped changing the nutrient solution, and she "fell asleep". The field of it was again swaddled and carried away to the vault. Periodically, there was a need to embody this or that person, to give her a new birth.
5. The embodiment of the monad.
To this end, a special ritual was held, in which Magee participated (4.2). In a special screened (underwater) room above the mummy, a bed was placed on which the couple, conceived as future parents of the "great man", produced the conception. When the "capture pillar" became the maximum, the Mages neutralized the spell that held the monad in the body of the mummy. It was captured by the energy column of the uterus (see Pillar post), and conception occurred.
6.2.2. The Sacred Book of Thoth and the Book of Set (Necronomicon). Create a holy letter.
Scientists from the House (laboratory) of Thoth, having obtained the Helmet Ra and several records of information that had escaped Atlantis, began work on rewriting Atlantis' knowledge for papyri. The result of this work was a collection of scrolls, later known as "The Sacred Book of Thoth." Work was slow. Under the influence of the ancient reading machine, the health of the priests deteriorated. It was very difficult to translate ancient scientific terms into modern priests language. To write scientific treatises, a kind of universal "sacred" language was developed that used "intuitive" symbols, similar to those used today for the marking of electronic equipment and the creation of descriptions for it. So, moving feets meant "to go," the hand with the object to "give," the empty hand to "take", the bird in flight to "fly," the bird on the branch to "land." "Snail" - meant slow movement, "snake" - time interval, "Rising sun" - the beginning of the process, and "calling" - its end. A special place was occupied by the image of water. In connection with the use of gnomons and klepsydra (water clock), water began to symbolize the passage of time. Thoth's book.
Rewriting all the information that was on the plates of the Atlanteans, Egyptian priests (scientists) became holders of a variety of knowledge, often completely inapplicable (due to the lack of an elementary material base). So, for example, working with biology (the main line of work in Atlantis) was absolutely impossible without microscopes, centrifuges, separators and yet a lot of equipment customary for Atlantis. In the end, everything that could be used was reduced to two codes. The first set of knowledge concerned Magic (that is, the ability to change the world directly with one's mind), and it was called the "Sacred Book of Thoth." The words "sacred book" for people of that time meant a ban on any refinements and changes in the main text. The second code, in the first place, included the "modern" (15 thousand years ago regarding us) part of the comments written by Seth (who also studied ancient materials), and the original ancient texts relating to death and dying, the death of the dead, the location of the dead (Limba) and the subsequent incarnation (resurrection) of the soul (monad). This knowledge was immediately classified, giving them the status of "DSP". If The code of Thoth was the clear key to the "vertical" (accelerated) evolution, the second code could plunge the world into Chaos.
There is a legend according to which the full text of the Book of Thoth existed in a single copy, and all the other lists from it were only fragments. To store the main scroll, the Underwater Temple of Thoth was built. To this end, the waters of the Nile were taken away, changing the channel, dug under the bottom of the temple, which made several secret entrances, and returned the Nile to its place. According to this legend, the scroll of the Book of Thoth lies in this temple on a stone foundation, illuminated by the light of eternal lamps, until now. Mages with the ability to move outside the body (see witches) can penetrate this temple and read the Book. The book of Set.
Between the world manifested (imagine a chessboard) and Limb (a box for the figures taken from the board) there is a direct dependence (the number of figures is limited). Fertility (putting figures on the board) is directly related to how much time the monads are in Limba. Any experiments with the revitalization of dead bodies or the fixation of consciousness in Mummies lead to a disruption in the birth rate. Since rotation "Mir-Limb" always occurs, it creates a powerful "current". As a result, the delay of some in Limba leads to an accelerated departure from there of others. But during his stay in Limba there is a "cleaning" and "repair" of the monad. Thus, the process of mummification (delay) of the intellectual elite will lead to the accelerated birth of deformed monads (the birth of sick children and cripples) with very modest mental abilities (t.the most developed and advanced linger in Limba). Seth studied the properties of Limba and its inhabitants. He found there indigenous inhabitants, which are usually called Daimons or Limba Domains. Roughly speaking, these are the consciousnesses of the cells into which information is recorded. If we consider Limb as an information volume, then it will be divided into separate local areas that have their own management system. This system of management of a separate information domain can be conditionally recognized as consciousness. Each of these consciousnesses, like any developing consciousness, absorbs information. Once in Limb, the consciousness of a person after death falls into the zone of influence of the Daimons of its generators, and begins to lose energy. Human consciousness can be conditionally divided into two types of energy structures: stable and unstable.Stable structures can be attributed to the behavioral programs developed in the process of obtaining personal experience, which form a personality and form a character, and to dynamic ones one can simply refer to the energy of memories accumulated during life. It is her that is eaten by Daimons Limba. If some knowledge accumulated by a person during life does not become a program (an algorithm that forms behavior), it will be lost in Limba. Therefore, with repeated births, the person, basically, brings with him a character (a set of behavioral programs), but not memories. Those cases described, when the child born suddenly recalls the events of his previous life, are connected with the very short time spent by this person in Limba, or with the fact that she (the person) did not get there at all (see Mummification and Non-Dead) . In the tradition of shamanism,associated with rather high levels of consciousness (4.2), the Magician tries in every possible way to avoid getting into Limb (until the monad has moved into an object, for example, a tambourine, or even an idol), so as not to lose the knowledge that he (the shaman) has not yet translate into a personality structure. Seth studied the possibility of avoidance for the Magicians from entering Limb, and also extracting some consciousnesses from there. As a result, there was a work uniting the theoretical models of Atlanta and the practical workings of the Seth laboratory. In addition, this book includes numerous herbariums (described by Atlantis), containing descriptions of plants in our region of the Galaxy, and a prescription guide for the compilation of special potions from them. The fact is that among the metal discs was one containing all sorts of catalogs, including the one distributed among biologists,physicians and astrologers "Catalog of plants of the Galaxy with a short recipe directory." As far as I know, after all, the famous Voynich manuscript is not exactly a "dummy" and "fake" of an arrogant antiquarian, namely, an extract from this very herbarium, apparently redrawn by someone in the Middle Ages from the "Black Book" (which was, apparently , a late replica from the text of the book Seth). The epidemic of the non-dead.
It should be noted that all the rumors about ghouls and vampires, that is, about lively dead people, refer specifically to Eastern Europe and to the period of 15-16 centuries, when there was a confrontation between the Christian European culture and the Muslim culture of the East. Knowing that these technologies are applied and of great military importance (even in modern wars), one can assume that one or the other of the struggling parties applied this ancient knowledge as a weapon. At the same time, it is more likely to suspect the Christian side, since the advancement of Muslims to the West was very successful without it. In connection with the use of ancient technologies in the military field, it is at the front of the struggle against Muslims that one can recall a knightly order of the "Dragon", of which the father of the famous ghoul Dracula was a member, and he himself,was in this order (we are talking about Vlad Tsepesh, Lord Vallahia, 15th century). Knights of this order not only wore odd armor in the form of monsters, but also, apparently, used something like a hand-held flamethrower, apparently equipped with Greek fire (a mixture of oil products and volatile oils tucked into a device like a large metal syringe with flint a lighter). Apparently, this order, sanctioned by the church, had in addition to a small detachment of operatives still a large enough staff of analysts who sought out in ancient texts all the technologies that could be used against the Turks. The unexpected liquidation of the order from the inside could indicate that some extremely powerful technology fell into the hands of Christian knights, the spread of which the church feared more than the Turkish invasion. Really,for that time (and for ours) the technology of creating an army of the dead (in the biological sense), bloodsucking or devouring the enemy flesh, was amazing. In addition, there was a real modification of the methods of revitalization (using Soma juice (see), in which the vampire's saliva and blood initiates his victim, turning also into a vampire .In this version, Christians would have hordes of practically invulnerable soldiers growing at the expense of the enemy.increasing at the expense of the enemy.increasing at the expense of the enemy.
However, any war ends sooner or later, and then what to do with this blood-sucking army of the dead? Naturally, the Church leadership thought about this and stopped the existence of the Order of the Dragon. However, the already resurrected undead remained and, apparently, continued the guerrilla war against the Turks.
There is a message that the Nazis accidentally rediscovered the technology of the non-dead during the war. While engaged in the development of a psychostimulary for his army, which does not give the effect of addiction, they used for experiments, including cadets of one of the military schools. Unexpectedly it turned out that the combination obtained leads to the effect of "non-dead". The same report indicates that, after suffering heavy losses in a clash with non-dead Wehrmacht soldiers, the advancing Americans bombarded this school with incendiary shells so that no organic matter there basically left. The Holy Inquisition.
Perhaps the Black Book itself or lists from it came to Europe from the Arabs during the period of the Crusades. It is unlikely that the low literate population of Europe as a whole was able to understand anything in the Book of Set, but some very deep minds could certainly draw enough information from there. Most likely, these people made extracts and their own translations. It is known that in later times, from the 14th century, lists from separate parts of the Black Book circulated throughout Europe, initiating witchcraft (magick) and village Magic (combined with the remnants of local paganism). I saw in our time a copy, copied by hand and dated by me around 1860-90. with a cover and some inserts made on a human skin (nobody, however, did not kill). The language is Slavic, but rather Bulgarian than Russian. A lot of colorful illustrations (mostly,Herbariums) and the schemes connected with healing. The book contained bad translations (as far as I could tell) of several chapters (albeit very curious) from the Set Book and fragments of the plant catalog, which is described above.
Having spread in Europe, the Black Book led to the emergence of several centers of necromancy, including, according to the descriptions of events, in Hungary and Romania (the Order of the Dragon in the 15th and 16th centuries), and in the Czech Republic (Prague, 16th century). . It is possible that the dead were raised in Germany and France (where the Templar positions were strong). The Spanish Inquisition, apparently, considered the main bearers of the Black Magic of the Jewish Kabbalists and scholars of the Moors and took them for good, which prompted these scientists to take refuge in the Muslim lands. The processes of identifying witches were aimed at finding and removing texts that were then sent to the Vatican and analyzed there. Perhaps, as a result of this work, the Vatican has the most complete version of the Book of Set.
The construction of "kostyanits" (churches of human bones) in some European countries, in addition to the officially declared goal: to give rest to the victims of epidemics, had one more function - the repose of the non-dead. If the deceased person is brought to this church in a magical way, then the remains of many people who make up this architectural structure suck out energy from it and extinguish artificially fueled life. Black mass.
Satanism (apparently on behalf of the leader of the Saul of the Saul Ghetto) exists as the religion of the Anti-Creator, and at this point, it is probably cosmologically close to the destructive aspects of Shiva (Shiva as the entropy of the universe). By building their religion on anti-Christianity, the Satanists perverted the rituals of this religion, apparently believing that if Christians can really reach the Creator (at this point they are fanatical Christians), then by doing the opposite, one can get to the Anti-Creator. However, the poachers of the Satanists were also infiltrated by poachers from Magic who found there for themselves a comfortable environment necessary for them to conduct experiments forbidden by the Magi in the field of necromancy. In particular, some versions of the Black Mass (conception on the altar of a defiled church) are aimed at capturing and incarnating (birth) of the spirits of the Lower World (see Shamanism). Invasion of the Hyksos. Prohibitions in Magic.
About 10 000 years ago Mages (4.1-4.2-4.3) united and started a war against the Egyptian empire. This was caused by large-scale experiments with the revitalization and creation of the most dangerous types of vampires (able to infect others, turning them into vampires), which the laboratory of the Set House began to carry out. Striving for personal immortality, the priests of Egypt used technology that influenced the interaction of Mir-Limb. The birth rate began to fall, the number of children born with deformities increased dramatically. Combining neighboring with Egypt, the tribes of the nomads of the Hyksos, the Magi gave them a warlord, who led the campaign. In a series of battles the army of the pharaoh was defeated, and the Hyksos captured the capital of the empire. They destroyed the cult of Set and most of the priests, introducing the cult of Osiris, common among the Hyksos. (the "human principle",similar to the religion of God the Son) to the rank of state religion. After this victory, the Mages concluded a Treaty prohibiting henceforth large-scale effects on Limb, and banning most practices of necromancers. Subsequently, this Treaty, concluded in Larnaca on the ruins of the empire of the Pharaohs, was violated several times. Once this led to an epidemic of non-dead in Eastern Europe (see above), the results of the second (that occurred during World War II) are still unknown.The results of the second (which occurred during World War II) are still unknown.The results of the second (which occurred during World War II) are still unknown. The main legend of Tarot, stone Tablets and Golden Tables.
It is believed that the Mages of Egypt knew about the upcoming invasion of the Hyksos and took into account the possibility of their defeat, in this connection they gathered a council on which the issue of saving accumulated knowledge was discussed. Having a high enough level of consciousness (4.1-4.2), the priests were not afraid of personal death, since in the new incarnation they had to preserve the former personality. They were afraid to lose the knowledge that gives them Power, Power and Power over the world. In connection with this, the issue of saving knowledge was discussed. The legend describes a long debate, during which three main suggestions were made: 1) cut the texts on the stone and hide the stone tables in the mountains; 2) cast gold tables with texts and hide them in the caves of the Great Pyramid in Giza (the pyramid of Cheops is one of several Great Pyramids built by the Assyrian, and has nothing to do with burial.In the described period 10,000 years ago it was already "a very ancient structure"); 3) create a game of chance, which includes the Magic Texts (the creation of the Tarot Cards).
Legend says that as a result, all three projects were adopted. It must be said that since the time of the Vanov civilization there was an interesting artifact: material extracted by one of the expeditions from the Earth's core. It was a kind of special substance (an unknown chemical element?), From which 10 tables with texts were made. The cache was arranged in Sinai. The location of the cache was described on several massive shelves, and used a certain cipher, which is understandable to a narrow circle of priests. As a result, Moses took the stone Tablets during the exodus of the Jews from Egypt. As one of the senior priests of the House of Isis, he was initiated into the secret of the cipher, read the inscription on the stella and found a hiding place, setting this event as a divine revelation to consolidate his power over the people.
The golden tables were cast and hid in the dungeons. According to legend, to protect the tables used some kind of self-charging kind of non-dead, able to live for thousands of years without food . Perhaps, they had built in capsules with a radioactive substance, like those that worked in eternal lamps. The secret of eternal lamps consists in a capsule with a radioactive substance (the phenomenon of radioactivity is called in the ancient texts "internal fire"), placed in a transparent flask, covered inside with a phosphor (most likely - zinc sulphide). From the flask the air is pumped out (something like a piston). In the room where such lamps are installed, too, the air pressure is reduced. When the robbers open the burial door, the external pressure increases (the doors are sealed) and the bulb bursts. Most likely, these non-dead continue to guard the tables so far. According to legend, under the left paw of the Great Sphinx (built about 25,000 years ago) is a capsule with a dungeon scheme of the Great Pyramid. Modern studies of the Japanese expedition using ultrasonic sounding showed that there really is something under the sphinx paw. In the course of these same investigations, under the Pyramid of Cheops, previously unknown cavities were identified.
Tarot cards appeared in Europe in the Middle Ages along with the Roma and received the name "Gypsy Tarok". One of the first European variants of the Tarot deck was painted by the Spanish artist Goya. Prior to that, Thoth's book came to Europe in the form of Arabic and Hebrew texts.
As for the projects of saving the Book of Set, she was trusted precisely by the undead. It is possible that the original (the full text was usually in a single copy) is hidden there, in the dungeons of the Great Pyramid. Perhaps, some fragments were written on the walls of some ancient graves. The late version of the text, known as the Egyptian Book of the Dead, which includes several chapters of the book of Set, was found by archaeologists in the burials. The Arab and Jewish lists that came to Europe were apparently made with the help of robbers of ancient graves, sketching signs from the walls of burial chambers. It is believed that the Frenchman Champalion first read the Egyptian letters, using bilingual (a word written in two languages) on the Rosetta stone. This is a total nonsense . The sacred temple letter of the ancients was always available for reading to the Magicians who were initiated into the system of "keys". The same magic keys (decryption codes) were "closed" and tarot cards.
The Heritage of Atlantida. Conent.
- PART 1. The Heritage of Atlantida. Preface.
- PART 2. Principles of Evolution
- PART 4. Ancient evolution schemes and secret schools.
- PART 6 - HERITAGE. History of civilization.
- PART 7. The Magic Empires
- PART 9. Specializations in magic. The market of magic.

- Past-life experience
- The Vessel of Luck and Karma
- Personal energy balance
- Main psychology complexes and stresses
- Balance of vitamins and microelements.