Step 7. Body Map (Physical tensions diagnostics that influence Health)


Diagnostics of muscular-emotional stresses "armors"
These stresses work in body-oriented therapy.

The idea: a person has muscular tension - “armor”, and behind them are some kind of emotional tension, stress. These tensions can be adjusted. Different methods are used to adjust muscle armors, for example, massage, awareness, body therapy, etc.

The classical theory identifies a number of major muscle blocks that are fixed around the organs and they can lead to the disruption of these systems. For example,

  1. Muscle tension of eyes
    are found in 60% of people, and this leads to a decrease in vision (as one of the reasons)
  2. Tensions in the neck-tongue area
    lead to vascular spasms and elevated or reduced pressure
  3. Muscle tension in the heart area
    leads to disruption of system operation, stimulates infarcts
  4. The concentration of stresses in the pelvic region
     leads to increased morbidity in the genital area
  5. Spine. The stresses in the spine often lead to scoliosis. Although the causes of scoliosis may be different. Although the cause of scoliosis can often be a lack of physical activity.
  6. Stomach
    Emotional and muscle tension leads to dysfunctions of this sphere

Accumulated muscle tension affects the state of organs and systems.For example, poor eyesight is often associated with muscle tension, poor heart function is also associated with accumulated stress. These tensions can be tested. You can make a body map - a map of internal emotional-muscular tensions, which interfere with the functioning of internal organs and systems. Also, all the detected tension can be cleaned.

The cost of diagnostics: 10 USD.


REVIEW: Body Map / Natalia:

I am grateful to you that you sent me a body map, I waited a lot. Accuracy - 100%. Thanks!

REVIEW: Body Map / Artem:

Hello! I got a map - thank you, very interesting! Many peaks coincide with the real feelings of the problem areas.

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