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Mental recovery on chakras level.
The chakra is a dynamic stream that flashes the energy structure back to front - like a pipe.
In each chakra for the entire evolutionary process, a lot of damage accumulates - mental injuries, outflows of energy, ruptures of fine structures, etc.
Injuries can be investigated using the example of the subtle body of each chakra, subtle bodies that are in resonance with this chakra and affect a person, and other related technologies.
Seven chakras are distinguished, but there are a lot of subtle bodies.
There are many streams of bodies. They form energy channels. You can remove the outflows of energy and damage, blocking the dynamics of the chakras.
To increase the stability of the chakra, its mass, we can recommend the restoration of the mental charka.c
COSTS: of the work is 50 usd / chakra (200 usd / all chakras).
Question: what is the difference in technology Mental recovery by the level of chakras and Increase the dynamics of the chakras.
Both of these technologies are aimed at removing mental injuries at the level of each chakra to increase its effectiveness.
In the first case, injuries destabilizing the work of the chakra are removed: strikes, outflows of energy that disrupt the functioning of energy centers as a whole.
After the damage has been removed, the mental itself may become larger in terms of chakra level (mental mass), but this does not always lead to an increase in chakra activity. This increases the energy integrity of the person.
The second technology is aimed primarily at removing damages that block the chakra's work on the exhaust, the release of energy. Here the damage is removed that inhibits the passage of energy through the level of the chakra.
In this case, the task is not so much to increase the density of the chakra, but to increase its activity, dynamics, manifestation of energy in the outside world.
Question: What is the fundamental difference between clearing the dynamics of the chakras and restoring the mentality of the chakras?
Answer: Cleaning the dynamics of the chakras - we work with the chakra, like a pipe, a turbine, and focus on those mental damage that interfere with the operation of the turbine and remove the outflows of energy from this energy pipe.
When we work with clearing the mentality of the chakras, we optimize the chakra working area itself.
For example, we take Svadhisthana - a person says that I have some problems in the genital area all the time, all the time I get sick. And then we work with the projection zone of this chakra (for example, the pelvic region) and try to remove the rest of the injuries. We look more at whether there is damage in the area of the projection of the chakra.
The emphasis is shifting. High-frequency injuries that affect the operation of this area are removed. This cleaning affects the work of the body in this area more.
Question: Do you have services where the mental chakra is cleaned and recorded: on them the question is: Muladhara and Swadhistan - they will give a healing effect on the immune system and hormonal, will it be easier to tolerate the general weakness of the body?
Answer: The immune system includes organs from the most diverse, often opposite ends of the body. And therefore, clearing the chakra here may not give the desired effect. Here you need to explore each aggregate part of the system.
For example, if a person says that his ass is freezing all the time, you can look for a reason in the Svadhisthana zone.
In the case of working with the immune system (the thymus and the pituitary gland and many other systems also belong to it) - it is possible to offer the “Cleansing the body system” service.
You can also recommend doing several general mental recovery cycles - since in this case the most massive injuries that affect all systems are removed.
And after general mental cleansing, it will be possible to see what other problems remain in the body and pay in-depth attention to these systems.
QUESTION: It makes sense to order the restoration of the mental for individual chakras, instead of the standard Mental restoration service. Will it give a greater effect?
ANSWER: The standard mental restoration service is primarily aimed at global mental outflows, which increases the overall integrity of the energy structure.
The restoration of the mental chakram, organs aimed at improving the performance of specifically the chakras and organs. The impact of these services on the global integrity of the energy structure does not have a strong effect. We recommend starting with a general Mental Recovery.
You can restore the mental chakras.
The chakra is a dynamic stream that flashes the energy structure back to front - like a pipe.
In each chakra for the entire evolutionary process, a lot of damage accumulates - mental injuries, outflows of energy, ruptures of fine structures, etc.
Injuries can be examined using the example of the subtle body of each chakra, subtle bodies that are in resonance with this chakra and affect a person, and other related technologies.
QUESTION: Seven chakras are distinguished, but there are a lot of subtle bodies.
ANSWER: There are many streams of bodies. They form energy channels.
You can remove the outflows of energy and damage that block the dynamics of the chakra.
Review / Restoration of the mental by chakras / Vitaliy
I noticed that General mental recovery improves the level of physical and psycho-emotional health in general, although this is not the direct purpose of the service.
Even if we consider the complexes, they gradually lose their relevance and after a while the tension *** feels ***, although I can be mistaken, it leaves almost completely. It remains not big, I would say - a nickle, a residual speck, and the previous discomfort it doesn’t give.
I think that if you wish, you can remove it.
Alexandra: 04/26/2019 at 19:36
Hello. I don’t feel any negative yet. After activating the dynamics and restoring the mentality of manipura, density appeared, strength increased, good mood. It became easier to wake up in the morning. A friend, when she saw me, said that "collectedness" appeared in me.
Vladimir: 03/15/2019 at 15:07
People noticed that he became calmer. There was one review of magic strikes that "some clamps are relaxing." It looks like the restoration of attunement with some currents of the world - you feel like a part of a single organism, organically integrated into the surrounding space.
Stanislav: 11.21.2016 at 11:15
The restoration of the mental of all chakras. Thank you!!! As for the sensations, I managed to feel, only the restoration of the mentality of Muladhara and Swadhistan, the rest did not go noticeably ... but there was a certain density around the body, I would say that the aura has become more saturated!
Michael: 11/21/2016 at 11:14
to restore the mentality of svadhistan and manipura. One day has passed. The first sensations — in these areas it became “more integrated” and “softer” remotely, it reminds how “smoothed out the rumpled and bent” became “smoother” it is generally interesting to track how “multidimensional tin” smoothes out interesting sensations. How this will be reflected in real life will be seen in a few weeks or months. I will follow)

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