- Past-life experience
- The Vessel of Luck and Karma
- Personal energy balance
- Main psychology complexes and stresses
- Balance of vitamins and microelements.
STEP 2. Luck and Karma technologies
Karmic Mechanism Structures
There are 3 structures in the karmic mechanism:
Karma, Law and Luck (modeling the future).
Each mechanism has its own Forces and there are some kind of evaluative mechanisms:
1) Law: There are godly structures - the gods we enter into their structures and their conviction is both right and wrong.
And when we do wrong, we hit with these systems and damage our structure. This is the effect of the law.
Moreover, the Law exists as the consciousness of the Deities, as well as certain computers that control it.
2) The law of karma: this is mainly the effect of computer systems (80%).
LAW: (in our zone, in the Galaxy Zone) - 65% of this is the consciousness of the Deities and 35% of computer systems.
3) Luck 90% is the consciousness of the Deities and 10% computer systems.
- What are these computers?
- Computers are technogenic developments of the Higher beings from the Higher worlds.
- What are the Upper Worlds?
- The higher worlds are the following in frequency after ours.
- The ancients?
- Well yes.
Basic technologies for promoting luck are removal of complexes quenching luck and removing ancient military programs that decrease luck.
Price for complex removal is $25 USD and to remove military programs $150 USD/cycle and 1 cycle removes 2 units load
-What action decreases luck?
Increases luck is when you do something different to the detriment of themselves and reduces the luck when you do something for themselves at the expense of others.
Luck appears as what you conceived come to fruition or not. Whether it gets to what you aspire to or not.

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